Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hope for the Future

My friend asked for some advice on Facebook. She wanted to know how she could keep her resolution to feel peace when our current president and the state of the nation makes her feel so angry.

This was a timely question for her to pose--not because I have the answer, but because I need to figure that out, too. How in the world are we supposed to feel hope when so much of the world inspires despair?

I've given many deep thoughts about this--which are a rarity for me right now--and after many hours of speculation and mental exertion. . .I still don't have the answer. At least not fully, anyway.

But I found a large portion of the answer in my children.

Have you ever looked at a child? I mean really looked? I mean looked until you could see through the eyes into the shimmering majesty of the soul?

My house is full of children that I'm nurturing all day long, and still, I must confess that I don't do this enough.

When you really see into the soul of a child, you at once become humbled. You are taught.

There is no guile, no hypocrisy, no malice of any kind. No envy, no hatred, no lies.

There is only endless potential, shining joy, bright faith. Only truth, trust, belief, forgiveness. Only pure, unsullied love.

And luminous, lasting hope.

I'm betting that this nation will be preserved because of the faith and goodness of the world's children who know God now, and who will never forsake Him, no matter how difficult the battle may be.

I want to be counted among those soldiers--the ones who love God, the ones He will never forsake.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, want to be counted as one who worked her soul to make sure that she raised good children who could then raise their own, hoping and knowing that there is hope in God's world, this world.
