Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Never pass on the chance to dance.

I felt the Earth stop spinning today.

It was this afternoon--my craziest time of day, to be exact. Yesterday's dinner dishes were still in the sink. The floor was in need of a sweeping and mopping. There were coats, book bags, and shoes strewn across two rooms. I needed to start dinner, fold laundry, pay bills, file papers, vacuum the carpets, wash the dog, scour my bathroom, fill the car with gas, and do my hair.

I turned on some music to help me escape the demands--at least mentally. Then I rolled up my sleeves and started to work.

But wouldn't you know it? As soon as I was getting into a productive rhythm, I was interrupted. This time by an angel.

My two-year-old came running into the kitchen. She wanted me to dance with her.

I scooped up that laughing, shining girl, and held her like a baby. We twirled, we dipped, we pranced. She smiled. She giggled. I held her tighter.

My baby still, but grown up some: wearing panties, talking in sentences, coloring in the lines, trying to read, complimenting my eyelashes, and now, wanting me to dance.

I couldn't hold her close enough. I smelled her hair, kissed her cheeks, admired her flawless skin, delighted in her twinkling eyes and shimmering soul.

Oh, I love you! How did I get you?

The song ended. She got down and skipped away, off to the next art project. I went back to my dishes after wiping away my tears, grateful for that moment of unsullied joy.

After she went to bed tonight, I sat on the couch and looked around at my still messy house. I didn't get everything done. Actually, I hardly got anything done. But I did do one thing right.

Today, I danced with an angel.


  1. I remember those moments with you. Thank you, my angel.

  2. dancing with an angel is the most important reason to let everything else wait a bit... the house won't crumble.. the dog won't distinigrate if a bath waits one more day (ask my two...) and well... just put blinders on... she is only little once! love you!
